2014 Champions
Gladiator of the Year - Dara Keidan

The Gladiator of the Year award is earned by 1 player each year, based on playing performance plus other contributions that strengthen the league for all players. What Dara Keidan did in 2014 was unprecedented - In addition to finishing 3rd in points accumulated over the course of all 3 seasons, she referred 24 players into the league! This greatly invigorated the women’s side of our league this year. Here’s her tennis story:

I played tennis in high school, but was never very passionate about it. I took a long break from tennis, but about 6 years ago, as my kids got older and I started to have some free time, I rediscovered the game. Just as I started to really fall in love with it, a torn Achilles sidelined me for nearly 2 years. I have now been back injury-free for about 2 ½ half years, and I can't get enough! I love singles, and learning to trust myself has made me a better doubles partner. I play in a number of leagues, but Gladiator is my favorite - I love the no-time limit, "all-in" format, and have met many of my favorite tennis friends through Gladiator. In fact, I have joined other teams and leagues with many women I met as opponents in Gladiators... I tell everyone who will listen about Gladiator Tennis, and I look forward to many more seasons!

Gladiator of the Year - John Tamosiunas

John Tamosiunas wins our Gladiator of the Year Award for finishing 3rd in points won over the course of all 3 seasons at the 3.5 level, plus referring 5 players into the league. Thank you John! Here’s his tennis story:

4 years ago my son joined Riverside Brookfield High school tennis team. I had never played before, but I went out and hit with him for a few days and loved it very much – basically, I got addicted to the game of tennis right away! Later I took some tennis lessons at Five Seasons club in Burr Ridge and continued playing here and there with my son and friends. Then 2 years ago,I took my tennis racquet for stringing to the Strings Attached shop in Chicago. The store owner suggested that I try to join the Gladiator tennis league to get more “match” experience.

So, I joined Gladiators in spring of 2013 at 3.0 level and was able to win the division. I moved to 3.5 after that, but did not do very good at first and stayed at that level until I finally won it in the Fall of 2014.

I like playing Gladiators league very much because I meeting new players and the challenge of figuring out how to play them. I especially like playing against an opponent for the first time because you don’t know the other player’s strategy and approach to the game, and what their strengths and weaknesses are. Also everyone I’ve met is really nice, and I have had no issues scheduling my matches and playing them on time. I like how the Gladiator league is structured and that there are deadlines etc. which keeps us players in line. I am looking forward to many more seasons with Gladiators league and wish everyone good luck with their game.

5.0 Champion - Zach Miller

This is Zach’s 4th time as 5.0 Champion, and he is the first to win it back to back. He also won in 2008, 2010, & 2013, and was Gladiator of the Year in 2008 and 2011. Zach is our in-house teaching pro, providing lessons to Gladiator players in the Naperville/Aurora & tri-cities areas.

“Growing up I really didn’t play much tennis, only 2 summers in the parks and recreation league when I was 11/12. I tried out for the team at Quincy University 8 years later on a chance encounter with the coach and found myself playing 4 seasons of Division II tennis. I went from a 2-12 record my freshman year to making All Conference in my senior year. After that I didn’t pick up a racket for 3 years until another chance encounter put me in front of a Gladiator flier at Potbelly in Naperville. Since then I have played 4 full years (would have been 6 but for injuries). I really love the Gladiator league for two reasons: Flexibility of scheduling and the constant growing and changing competition. There is a place for players of all skill levels.”

4.75 Champion - Kyle Tran

Kyle becomes playoff champion in his first year in the league, after surviving four 3 setters in the playoffs, including a couple match points against him in the quarterfinals vs. Nitesh Arora. Kyle was referred by another player in the league, Jens Kellermeier, and started out at the 4.0 level in the Spring Season. He moved up to 4.5 for the summer, then 4.75 for the Fall Season. After wining the playoffs, he will be looking to conquer 5.0 next year!


4.75 Champion - Kyle Tran

Kyle becomes playoff champion in his first year in the league, after surviving four 3 setters in the playoffs, including a couple match points against him in the quarterfinals vs. Nitesh Arora. Kyle was referred by another player in the league, Jens Kellermeier, and started out at the 4.0 level in the Spring Season. He moved up to 4.5 for the summer, then 4.75 for the Fall Season. After wining the playoffs, he will be looking to conquer 5.0 next year!

4.5 Champion - Greg Bukowski

Greg becomes playoff champion in his first year in the league, sailing through all 6 rounds of the tournament and dropping a set only to the #2 seed Jerry Naliwajko in the semifinals. Here’s his story:

I grew up in Southern California with good weather and lots of good tennis players around me. I was first introduced to tennis at age 11 when a bunch of neighborhood kids did a tennis camp at the local courts and I decided to join them. I didn't play competitively until high school. We had some really good players on the team who went on to play college tennis so I was happy that I just made the team.

In college and after college I got away from the sport, but rediscovered it in my mid 20s. I've been hooked ever since and am trying to get better, although now in my mid 30s I'm finding it's not so easy. I've been playing local tournaments for the last few years trying to push myself to get better in pressure-packed situations.

I found out about Gladiator through "word of mouth" about 1 year ago. I thought it sounded like a great idea so I gave it a try and am really happy with my experience. Gladiator takes the hassle & awkwardness of finding other players to play with out of my hands. All I have to do is show up! It's been great.

4.0 Champion - Megan Weemer

Megan got back in the game with Gladiator this year, and it didn’t take her long to find her winning ways! She had a tight 3 setter with Precious Morgan in the semifinals before defeating 2 time champion Cristina Kazda in the finals. Here’s her story:

My tennis career began by hitting the ball against my garage door in my driveway when I was 7 years old. I begged for lessons and began playing competitively at 9. I got a scholarship to play at Western Illinois University where I had a wonderful experience both on and off the court. After college, I coached for a few years but did not play competitively anymore until my neighbor, Chris Pilon encouraged me to try out Gladiator Tennis. Through Gladiator I have got back into the game of tennis and have gained several friendships along the way. So thankful to be a part of such an awesome program!

4.0 Champion - Ken Hirano

Ken played a couple seasons at the 4.0 level in his first year in the league, then caught on fire in the tournament, never losing a set in all 6 rounds. Here’s his story:

“I started playing tennis when I was 26 yrs old, invited to play by a friend from work. I figured that I could pick up the game easily because I had 5 years of experience playing Soft-Tennis. Soft Tennis uses the same court but with a rubber ball and is popular in Japan and some Asian countries.

One of the highlight of my tennis experience was the USTA regional playoff in 02. I played in MIX 6.0 league (3.0 MEN + 3.0 Women) in Kentucky and our team advanced to the regional playoffs held at Mobile AL. It was fun time trip there with my team members and I was proud to represent our state .

My wife Hanae plays in Gladiator Tennis and invited me to play in it this year: I found good players and it is very affordable. I have really enjoyed it and fortunately won! “

3.5 Champion - Katie Arnold

Katie has been part of our nucleus of players up in the northwest suburbs since 2010. She had a tight 3 set match with Lauren Conway in the round of 16, but easily handled the rest of her competition to claim the title. Here’s her story:

I was first introduced to the game of tennis by my three older brothers. They were picking up racquets and learning the game when they were in high school and if I wanted to tag along, I had to do what they were doing. The local high school offered summer lessons when I was in 7th grade and I continued to play throughout high school. I specialized in doubles and even made it to state my senior year. After graduating, I was busy with college and grad school and put down my racquet for 8-9 years.

A few years ago, I found myself new to the Chicago suburbs and was looking to meet new people and get involved doing something I love. I started playing Gladiator and while playing singles was an adjustment, I haven't looked back. Gladiator Tennis provided me an opportunity to match up with other players of the same level to compete and have some fun.

3.5 Champion - Charles Campbell

After 3 years in the league, and making it all the way to the 3.5 playoff finals in 2013, Charles entered this years playoff tournament with the goal to win it all. His plans were almost derailed in the first round when he barely won a tight 3 set match against Neville Allen. One more challenge against Steven Demerer in the quarterfinals was all that slowed him down before capturing the title.

Charles started playing when he was 5 years old when he was taught by his grandfather. Throughout his childhood he took lessons and attended tennis camps. He played 4 years of varsity tennis in high school, winning the districts one year in doubles and advancing to the state tournament. Then he stopped playing in college, and for 10 years did not play competitively until being referred into Gladiator by a friend in the summer of 2012. Charles prefers playing on clay courts and his favorite player is Pete Sampras.

3.0 Champion - Heidi Brand

Heidi finished the regular season as #1 in points accumulated all year, and validated her #1 seed by cruising through all 5 rounds of the tournament. That’s a pretty good accomplishment for someone who never played organized tennis before this year! Here’s her story:

I grew up watching my parents play tennis and taking a few lessons as a child. I continued to play on and off all my life just for fun with friends and family. I always thought about joining a league but being a mother of 3 and working full-time, I never thought I would have the time to commit to it.

A friend told me about Gladiator a couple of years ago, and it was exactly what I was looking for. I was hooked from the first competitive match I played, even though I lost. I realized how much I enjoy meeting such wonderful people and playing competitively in a more casual, fun atmosphere … on my own time. I truly love it! I speak so highly of Gladiator to anyone that will listen. I look forward to each season and really miss it when I’m not playing. I’m now playing my first season of indoor and am really enjoying it. It’s so nice to keep up my game and get some great exercise in the winter months.

I’m really thankful for the opportunity to play competitive tennis in an extremely well-organized on-line league. Gladiator Tennis is just what I was looking for!”

3.0 Champion - David Cramer

David is crowned champion in his 2nd year in the league, after surviving two 3 set matches over the course of the 6 round playoff tournament. David also made the semifinals of the 2014 Doubles Playoffs with his friend Jeff Curran. Here’s his story:

As exciting and alluring as tennis seemed to me on TV, I never would have picked up a racquet or persisted playing had it not been for friendships I built with people whose enjoyment of the sport influenced me. I was in bands and clubs in high school with people who liked playing tennis, and I learned the basics from trying to compete with them. None of us played for the school team, but we didn’t like to lose either, so I learned quite a bit from the focus bred through competition. In college, I met my doubles partner, Jeff, through other shared interests as well. Unlike my prior playing partners, Jeff was a successful high school player, so when I saw an ad for Gladiator Tennis on my way out of a restaurant a year and a half ago, I grabbed the info knowing my commitment was dependent on whether or not he could help me improve enough before the summer session began. Thankfully, he gave me a lot of his time and knowledge, and I was fortunate to meet a lot of talented and encouraging players in the West division when I first joined the league.

I’m grateful to have played against so many people whose combination of competitive spirit and good will have motivated me to try harder and learn more. My victories never felt like those of a single person, and James DiFrisco, Rob Sullivan, Dan Kletzing, Chris Olmstead, Dave Longawa, Cindy Pistone, Jeff Curran, Lane Allen, Ted Bucy, Jeff Unterman, and Michael Becker are all players to whom I owe any of this season’s success. Thank you all!

2.5 Champion - Caroline Leonardo-Javier

Caroline wins our first ever 2.5 playoff bracket, in her first ever foray into competitive tennis! Here’s her story:

"Before Gladiator I had never played tennis competitively. I have always been interested in the sport since I was in high school when I played it in gym class. I took a lesson in the summer almost 20 years ago and have always wanted to take it further but never found the time or anybody to play with.

Last spring I was looking to take up something that would keep me active on the weekends as I travel a lot for work on the weekdays, and I needed something that was very flexible and inexpensive. I found the courage to sign up and try out Gladiator Tennis and realized I had some potential after winning some matches in the Spring and Summer Seasons. To have won the 2.5 playoff on my first time playing competitively is definitely the highlight of my tennis year! I am so excited to play again next year and learn and get better.”