2017 Champions
5.0 Champion - Nick Ludwig

This was Nick's first year playing with Gladiator Tennis, and he has quickly established himself as king of the hill!  Nick was pushed to a tiebreak in the quarterfinals vs. Alex Switzer, but otherwise had little difficulty as he rolled through the 5.0 playoffs without dropping a set.  Nick defeated 3 time 5.0 finalist Kevin Kamenjarin in the final.

Nick's Tennis Story:  I've loved tennis since I was seven years old.  My dad is a huge tennis fan, and we have played together my whole life. After a competitive college tennis career, winning several awards, I took a few years off only playing a couple of times a year.  However, my love for the game never went away and I started playing more competitively among friends in the last couple of years. Those friends introduced me to Gladiator, giving me a new opportunity to compete with strong players and reinvigorate my skills by learning new strategies and meeting new people. I've had so much fun playing in Gladiator and looking forward to playing again and hopefully returning to the final tournament!

4.75 Champion - Wade George

This was Wade's first year in Gladiator Tennis.  After going undefeated at 4.0 for the Fall Season, Wade was bumped up to 4.75 for the playoffs.  The draw was a challenge, especially Leo Pelts in the Roujnd of 16, and Mac McLin in the semifinals - both players pushed him to 3 sets.  Wade closed it out strong against a very tough Justin Hoehn in the final.  Wade will continue to find out what he is made of in 2018 at the 5.0 level.

Wade's Story: 

I began playing tennis in high school, but only progressed into competitive play after graduating and going to University of Illinois. There, I played on a travel team and met my wife, who has also recently become a Gladiator player. Today, I play as much tennis as I can—typically 4-5 times a week as my primary source of exercise.  Because of its flexibility, Gladiator Tennis fit seamlessly into my schedule and offered an outlet for more competitive, challenging play. This is a great community—one filled with excellent players and fantastic people—and I look forward to being a part of it for years to come!

4.5 Champion - Varsha Datta

In the 11 year existence of Gladiator Tennis, we have never had a 4.5 women's playoff draw until now.  Congratulations to Varsha on being our first 4.5 champion!  

Varsha's Tennis Story:  

I grew up in India and started playing tennis at the age of 8. I fell in love with the sport and started playing local tournaments casually. Soon, I was playing national tournaments and my best ranking in the county was #2 in U-14 category.

I continued playing in college but soon work took away my time and I couldn't play tennis as much as I wanted. I moved to the US in 2014 and decided to revive the game. I started playing Manhattan USTA leagues but there were very few singles matches that I could play. I then moved to Chicago and was trying to find singles matches that I came across Gladiator Tennis at Five star tennis center. I decided to play the spring season and I totally enjoyed my time. This was a great way to meet people and there's a good competition. I love the flexibility of the league and how friendly and fun this entire event is.

4.5 Champion - Alex Kang

Alex became the 4th player in the 11 year history of Gladiator Tennis to win the playoffs at 2 different skill levels.  In 2016 he won at the 4.0 level.  The 2017 playoff draw became progressively more difficult round by round.  Alex won the first 3 rounds in straight sets before meeting 7th seed Stuart Martin in the quarterfinals - afdter losing the first set in a tiebreak, Alex was able to close out the next two sets decisively to set up a semifinal dual with Phil Bogdan.  This match proved to be the match of the 2017 Gladiator Playoffs - after 3 1/2 hours, Alex prevailed in a nailbiter - 6-3,3-6,7-6.  His finals opponent, Ashish Iyer, had also had a long semifinal, so the final match was a contest of fitness and endurance.  Alex won it 6-4,6-1.


Alex's Story: First of all, it is my honor to be a part of the greatest event of Gladiator Tennis in 2017. I started to play squash because I didn't enjoy sports under the hot sun that much. But after I watched Roger Federer's Wimbledon final against Nadal from YOUTUBE about 6 years ago, I was inspired to go buy some yellow balls and sticks (Yes, I become a huge fan of Roger since then, but I use Nadal's racquet J) 

One of my friends introduced me to the world of Gladiator tennis and I have really enjoyed every moment of scheduling, meeting, sharing and playing with new friends who have the same desire to play tennis that I do. After an injury filled 2016, I've enjoyed being injury free all year and being able to play at  the top of my game.   Being a part of Gladiator has been a great experience, and I look forward to being a good friend and competitor on the court with more Gladiators next year.

4.0 Champion - Andrea Purpura

This is Andrea's 5th year in Gladiator Tennis, and she has steadily improved her game each year.  She won the last 2 Indoor singles playoffs at 4.0, and advanced to the semfinals in 2016 before losing to eventual champion Miriam Abe.  Injuries each year have repeatedly knocked her down, but never out.  A love for the game and enjoyment of the competitive aspect of the sport kept her coming back to become our champion in 2017.

Andrea's Tennis Story:  After playing competitive soccer in Czech Republic almost 25 years ago, I never thought I would learn another sport. Taking tennis lessons was just a part of my therapy during a difficult time in my life, but it was definitely love at first sight. I started playing Gladiator league 5 years ago, and lost many points before winning any...  I worked very hard to get better, but it was never enough. Meeting so many wonderful tennis players in the league was a great motivation to not only be a better player, but a better person too. Many injuries prevented me from finishing some of the seasons, but they did not stop me from dreaming. And never giving up was my way to victory! Perhaps the best part of life is experiencing new, exciting and yes, even challenging opportunities! 

4.0 Champion - Mark Abellera

This was Mark's 5th year in the league.  With a 19-2 record during the regular season, Mark entered the playoffs as the #1 seed.  And he proved the seeding was legit, rolling through the draw without dropping a set to set up a final against #3 seed Gerardo Alvarez. But Mark's back was against the wall in the final, losing the first set and going to a tiebreak in the 2nd.  Mark was able to pull off the comback win, 3-6,7-6,6-1.

Mark's Tennis Story: Although I spent nearly a decade’s worth of youthful summers on the baseball diamond, I eventually found my way onto the tennis court as tennis has been my dad’s favorite sport to play.  I started playing tennis with more regularity at Age 13, knowing that when it came time to enter high school, I would need to choose between baseball or tennis because both shared the same season.  I pursued tennis because I felt that I could excel further on the court than on the diamond.  That decision proved correct, wrapping up my high school career with All-Conference honors in my Junior and Senior years. 

I put down the tennis racquet during college and for another 7 years thereafter.  While I dabbled in some co-ed recreational team tennis, another 6 years passed until I regained that urge to play more competitive tennis once again.  I saw a flyer posted at my local Potbelly’s Sandwich Works for something called Gladiator Tennis and was intrigued.  I joined Gladiator for its Fall 2013 season and kept coming back ever since.  I even had the chance to partner up with my dad for the 2015 Gladiator Tennis Annual Family Doubles Charity Event, supporting the Baudin Haiti Dental Mission.   

I highly recommend Gladiator Tennis to those at virtually any skill level who are looking for that veritable sweet spot of friendly organized competition, match-scheduling flexibility, and high value to low cost.  I’m sure you’ll meet many terrific people along the way.


3.75 Champion - Nicole Grunwald

After a 6-1 regular season record, Nicole rolled through the playoffs to win the 3.75 title in her first year in the league.  Strong competition awaits at 4.0 for 2018!


Nicole's Tennis Story:

I grew up watching my father play tennis, and this was the beginning of my interest in it.  He taught me how to play and I was able to play for my high school team.   
After my divorce after being married 20 years, I needed an outlet and heard thru word of mouth about Gladiator Tennis. 
I have really enjoyed meeting new people through the league, and I love how competitive it is.

3.5 Champion - Veronique Saxe

Veronique has been one of the core players that Gladiator Tennis has been built around, playing for the last 8 years.  She is among the top 3 players in the history of the league for matches played, matches won, and playoff points earned.  Veronique is #1 all time in # of seasons played (27) and she has played at the 3.5 level for all 27.  With this championship win, she has advanced to the 3.75 level.  After rolling through the draw without dropping a set, there was a moment of doubt when Veronique lost the first set in her final against #2 seed Tara Campbell.  But she was able to hang in there and break through for the 2-6,6-4,6-4 victory.


Veronique's Tennis Story: I was born and raised in Switzerland, and always liked tennis growing up.  I would watch it on TV whenever possible, and at times, casually played on public courts with friends.  I did a "Tennis unit" in middle school for about 6 weeks but that was about it... I ended up playing volley ball in high school.  I really started playing tennis as an adult, when I moved to the Chicago area.  I did an advanced beginner class at Center Court in Hannover Park - and I was hooked!  I continued for about 6 months... and went on hiatus to have and take care of my children.  I returned to tennis years later, by chance, when a girlfriend mentioned that she used to play in high school but had not since, and missed it.  It is through her that we started drills at the Geneva Park District, and then joined Gladiator Tennis.  Before Gladiator Tennis, I had never played a match.  Over the past 8 years, my game has improved, and the friendships I've made through tennis are priceless.  I like the flexibility that Gladiator Tennis offers, and I prefer playing outdoors, in spite of the weather challenges that it poses (sometimes).   I look forward to another Gladiator Tennis season.



3.5 Champion - Dan Fahey

Dan had a solid 12-6 regular season record entering his first playoff tournament with Gladiator Tennis.  He really kicked it into a higher gear for the playoffs, not even dropping a set, to win the championship in his first year with the league.

Dan's Tennis Story:  

Growing up with tennis

When I was around 5 or maybe 6 years old my mom signed me up for tennis.  I hated it. I remember being on the court balancing a ball on my racket and it being 100 degrees out.  This only lasted one season and I never wanted anything to do with it again. 

High school

My friend freshman year of high school somehow convinced me to join the tennis team.  After a couple of weeks playing tennis I actually started to fall in love with the sport.  I ended up playing tennis all 4 years and ended up down state with my doubles partner and great friend, Dusty, my senior year. 


I played tennis for Saint Mary's University in Winona Minnesota which is a division 3 school.  We had a great team in college. We went to England, Wimbledon, Hilton Head, and states all over the Midwest.  Although my talent probably wasn't nearly good enough to be worthy of going on those trips...I sure am thankful for those times. 

The Aftermath

I didn't touch a tennis racket for 10 years straight since I graduated in 2006.  My wife's friend/coworker mentioned Gladiator.  I wanted details.  A few weeks later I signed up and have loved every second of it. Getting outside again, getting back in shape (or at least pretending I am), meeting great people and playing the sport I love most. I hope I'm able to play Gladiator tennis for the rest of my life.

3.25 Champion - Birute Puleikyte

Birute has played in the league since 2012.  She accumulated a 10-2 regular season record, then raced through the playoff draw without dropping a set for her first playoff award.  

Birute's Tennis Story:  I started playing tennis in my late 20’s.  I love this game and enjoy playing matches outside. Gladiator tennis is a great way to meet other people who have a passion for this sport. I have joined other teams and leagues with many women I met as opponents in Gladiator.  I love the flexibility of the league, and how friendly and competitive everyone is. I am looking forward to the next season.

3.0 Champion - Jennifer Zielke

Jennifer had a 10-3 record over the course of the regular season.  She rolled through the draw without dropping a set until she met Erin Kubicka in the final.    In a closely contested match that took over 3 hours, Jennifer pulled out a 7-6,1-6,6-2 victory.

Jennifer's Tennis Story: I started playing tennis with my big brothers when I was a little kid. We had fun, but they were 6 years older than me so I either had to step up my game real fast or stop playing with them. I practiced every night during the summer against the garage until I got good enough to play against them. I still wasn't as good as them, but I was good enough that they would let me play for a while.  When I got to high school, volleyball was the same season as tennis and I chose it instead. I still played for fun against some of the girls that were on the tennis team.

After a long break in my adult life from playing tennis (I just didn't know many people who played), I learned about Gladiator tennis from, guess who, my brother! I started playing more regularly about 2 years ago and I love it.  My favorite  part is that we can play locally and set our own schedule.

All the competitors are really nice and we even play outside of our matches sometimes. Thanks to Gladiator Tennis for making this possible. It's really opened up a great opportunity  for all of us who participate.

3.0 Champion - Jason Herbst

This was Jason's 2nd year in the league, and he was anxious to win the 3.0 playoffs for 2 reasons: 1) in 2016, he had lost in a close 3 setter to eventual finalist Jim Broecker, so he knew he could content this year; 2) his dad, Joe Herbst, had beaten Jim Broecker to sin the 3.0 playoffs last year, and he wanted to carry on the Herbst championship legacylaugh  Jason's main obstacle along the path to the final would be #1 seed Jeremy Frazer, and the match indeed proved to be his most difficult challenge - Jason prevailed in a close 3 set match, 3-6,6-3,6-3.  The Final with Andrew Gomes was also close, with the added pressure of Dad watchingsurprise.  Jason was able to win it 6-3,7-5.

Jason's Tennis Story: I started playing tennis just over a year ago as an activity to do with my Dad. I found it very rewarding, challenging and fun. I was immediately hooked. We ended up getting my Brother involved as well which made it a great bonding experience for all of us. Gladiator has given me a chance to see tennis from a players perspective. I knew after my first match I was hooked. I'm a very competitive person but to play a true "gentleman's sport" pushed that even further as it has challenged me both mentally and physically. I plan to continue to stay involved with the game of tennis for a long time moving forward and hopefully more Gladiator championships! 

2.5 Champion - Kevin Beirne

This was Kevin's first year playing Gladiator Tennis.  After a solid 6-6 record during the Summer and Fall Season, Kevin caught fire in the playoffs and ran through the draw with out losing a set.  Kevin is ready for 3.0 in 2018!

Kevin's Tennis Story:  I played tennis on and off with friends during high school and college. I then had some epic battles with a good friend while we were in our mid 20's. I seem to have lost my racket after that though, and only found it again this summer. All in all, it was about a 15 year hiatus. In fact, when I joined Gladiator this summer, it was the first time in my life I'd actually played an official match - and I lost it! As such, I don't really have any tennis accomplishments, other than playing with a racket that's more than 25 years old! You'd probably recognize that purple/teal color scheme that was so popular in the early 1990's! 

I joined Gladiator this summer after dropping out of the hockey league I'd been in for some time and at the behest of my physician - not because he had some inkling I might be able to swing a racket, but because I need exercise. And Gladiator has provided just that. I love having the ability to schedule our matches at times and places that work for us. I couldn't be happier to have joined!