Performance Awards

Playoff Qualifier

Wins a Gladiator Tennis item, given away at the tournament site of the semis and finals.

Qualifiers must pick up there item in person at the final playoff event on October 21st (Washington Middle School - Aurora)

Division Winner

Finish 1st in your division during any one of the 3 regular seasons for the year<

Gladiator Tennis bag tag


Gladiator Tennis semifinalist trophy (for draws of 32 and 64 only)

Finalist Champion Gladiator of the Year!

  Gladiator Tennis finalist Trophy (For draws of 16, 32, and 64 only)


  Gladiator Tennis Champions Trophy

  Picture/bio on the Gladiator Tennis Website

Gladiator of the Year!

Won by the player who accumulates the most points from the following formula over the course of the year:         Total Points won (Spring, Summer, & Fall) + Bonus Points earned + 20 points for each player referred

Prize varies from year to year. In 2015, the winners received 1 free year of Gladiator Tennis, a case of Wilson US Open balls, and an award